Carlos Chacin

Youtube Channel: @cchacin

Software Engineering Experiences

πŸŒ’ JakartaEE JSON-B 🐝 Retrofit2 Converter

Posted at September 23, 2020 /


Retrofit is pluggable allowing different serialization formats and their libraries to be used for converting Java types to their HTTP representation and parsing HTTP entities back into Java types.

These are called converters, and Retrofit includes a few first-party modules for popular frameworks

Just for fun, I created a Retrofit2 Converter.Factory for JakartaEE Json-B.


Add the dependencies:

JakartaEE Json Binding Reference Implementation
JsonB Retrofit2 Converter

Add a converter factory when building your Retrofit instance using the create method:

var retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

Alternatively, you can pass an instance of javax.json.bind.Jsonb:

var jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create(/* configure your jsonb instance here */ );
var retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

Now we are able to use JakartaEE JsonB to serialize and deserialize POJOs using Retrofit2

The code is available on Github.