Carlos Chacin

Youtube Channel: @cchacin

Software Engineering Experiences

Tag: IntelliJ

  • 🔌 Restore IntelliJ Idea settings ⛽ (30 Apr 2020)
    After several installations and reinstallations of IDEs and different Java/JDK versions (8, 9, 11, 14), the IDE was not able to import my maven projects. The IntelliJ IDEA was acting as a simple text editor at this time 😟.

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java best-practices serialization records java14 jakartaee immutability maven jsonb di dependency-injection configuration type-safe tips-and-tricks terminal setup settings servlets retrofit rest productivity postgresql postgres macos lambda jsr jdk14 jdk jdbc javaee java17 jackson iterm2 idea ide github-actions github frameworkless build aws-lambda aws api actions IntelliJ